FusionTube is a social video database infusion used for embedding videos from YouTube and DailyMotion.
Fusiontube is perfect for people who like to watch videos and share, talk about and rate them.
With support for YouTube & DailyMotion videos it is the perfect infusion for video and fun sites.
FusionTube has many options and features including Users Submission, ratings, commenting on videos, customisible video player options, Users Favourite Videos, Social Sharing, RSS, Multiple panels and much more, see the full features list below.
- Supports YouTube and DailyMotion Videos
- User Submissions
- New Videos submissions admin message panel - To alert admins when new videos are submitted.
- Sends Private message to users when their video submission has been approved.
- My videos Page for showing videos updated by you.
- Update Videos - Users can update own videos.
- Updated videos Page for showing latest updated videos
- Updated videos Page for showing latest updated videos
- Users Favourite Videos
- Users submitted videos count User Field
- Infusion admin area for settings, adding videos, videos categories and approving video submissions.
- Option to enable or disable FusionTube
- Social Sharing option
- Support for Sharing videos directly from FusionTube to watch on Facebook using og protocol Meta
- FusionTube RSS Feed
- Facebook Comments
- Set height, width and style of the video players
- Comments and Ratings of which both can be enable or disabled.
- Random Video Centre Panel option for displaying in fusion_tube/videos.php
- Display Description and Image Above or Below the video option.
- Display Link to Video on YouTube and Dailymotion Option to enable or disable.
- Videos Tag Cloud
- Report Broken videos
- Search Videos
- Search Tags
- View Next Or Previous Video when watching video.
- Videos Stats
- Related videos side in view.php
- Horizontal Navigation option
- Turn Lights off feature that allows to switch off the light while watching videos to improve viewing pleasure.
- Latest videos side panel
- Latest videos Comments Panel
- Latest videos ticker side panel
- Latest Videos Center Panel.
- Most Watched Videos Center Panel.
- FusionTube Multi Center Panel.
- Easy upgrade script
Changelog v 1.01:
- All Settings now in own SQL Table which fixes wrong video db count error.
- Video Image thumbnail now added automatically when video is submitted.
- BB Codes now work in video description after updating a video.
- Fixed redirection typo in videos_admin.php
- Fixed table row colspan in videos_admin.php
- Fixed a table row error in videos.php
- If Site Ratings Disabled, FusionTube Ratings will be disabled.
- Fixed videos Submissions description line break error.
- Fixed some missing locale text. Added missing alt attributes in various files.
- Fixed wrong textbox and display bbcode widths in submit.php, edit_video.php, and videos_admin.php
- Fixed video description input so now can be used without problems.
- Preview of video now in submissions admin.
- FusionTube Navigation changed and Video Categories Dropdown menu added and moved searchbox to FusionTube Navigation.
- New FusionTube index.php added.
- Most Watched videos Center Panel added.
- Latest Videos Center Panel added.
- [NEW] for new videos now changed to NEW image.
- Some icons changed.
- FusionTube Ratings now independent and can be enabled or disabled regardless whether main site settings for ratings are set.
- Some missing locales added.
- Direct Link to Video added under Direct Link to Video on YouTube on view.php
- Related videos side added to view.php
- FusionTube RSS Added.
- Report Broken Video Added.
- Video Player style options added, Player Control Bar Theme, Player Progress Bar Colour, Player Frame Colour can be styled in FusionTube Settings admin.
- Most Watched video added to FusionTube Stats.
- Removed the table from fusionTube stats and replaced with divs.
- Removed all tables from view.php replaced with divs.
- Fixed FusionTube search pagenav.
- Fixed some missing locales and New Added Locales are commented in English.php.
- FusionTube upgrade changed, if a new upgrade is available you will be redirected to fusiontube_upgrade.php to perform the upgrade when you try to access FusionTube admin.
- Now if FusionTube is disabled, the side panels and center ticker panel will be disabled.
- Fixed some minor things in FusionTube Admin settings.
- Fixed image and description alignment in view.php
- Removed unnecessary fusiontube_upgrade.php include code from all admin files.
- Fixed videos.php redirection error.
- Added views to videos.php
- Fixed views so if 0 or nothing it will show 0 views instead of nothing.
- Added og Meta in view.php for when sharing videos via FusionTube it will embed the video on Facebook.
- Added Background Colour to Player Frame.
v 1.05:
- Removed an else from FusionTube Search to stop Error message if nothing is searched before even entering anything and added alert check if nothing is entered or the search text is less than 3 chars.
- Added Player frame size option
- Fixed video Image and Description alignment issues.
- Added FusionTube enabled check to my_videos.php, edit_video.php and latest_updated_videos.php
- videos_admin.php recoded, now uses flipbox to keep Video categories closed by default to help manage videos easier.
- Tables in all admin pages changed to 80% width.
- Video ID Duplication check to see if the video id already exists, if it does exist the user cant submit it.
- Latest FusionTube Comments Panel included.
- Some new red video cat images included.
v 1.06:
Favourite Videos added. Above each video in view.php there will be a section where users can add and remove videos as their favourites. This will be done by clicking the Thumbs Up button to Add to and the thumbs down button to remove. (See Image Below) When a video has been added to your favourites you will then be able to see it in your My Favourite Videos list.
Some code cleaned and missing locales added.
v 1.07:
- Fixed Favourites, I forgot to remove if iSUPERADMIN after testing now works for all members.
- In Video Categories Panel float:right has been added to the total video numbers to align them to the right.
- FusionTube Multi Center Panel added, now FusionTube can be on any index or home page using the one multi panel.
v 1.08:
- FusionTube now supports Dailymotion Videos.
- Lights Off Feature Added, Allofthelights.js is a jQuery plugin built by Pierre Vion that allows to switch off the light, for your videos to stand out.
- Removed AddThis Social Sharing and replaced it with my own Sharer for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
- Added Search Tags, Now Users must submit Search Tags when Submitting videos, A minimum of 1 Tag is required per video.
- Added Next and Previous Video in view.php under the video for navigating to the next or previous video in the category.
- My Favourites moved into its own independent file.
- When a Video is deleted it will now also be deleted from DB_VIDEO_FAVS.
- My Favourites Undefined index fav_id error fixed.
- All Meta moved into its own independent file.
- Fixed og Meta For Facebook Sharing
- Added Missing Call To Fusiontube style sheet in some files.
- Some different coloured Ratings Stars Added.
- New Collection of Video Category Icons added, find them in fusion_tube/images/cats/categorized_folder_pack
v 1.09:
- Users FusionTube Page added. All users who have submitted videos will now get a FusionTube User Page similar to a user profile. The FusionTube User Pages display info about the video user, videos submitted by the user, videos Favorited by the user and last updated Videos by that user.
- In view.php all viewed video url's now have the YouTube or DailyMotion Video ID appended on to the end of the url string.
- Fixed My Favorites Side Panel.
- Removed Unnecessary CSS properties from vid-css as reported at http://www.php-fu...ost_177112
- Cleaned and tidied code in various files.
Developers: Craig and DrunkeN
Contributers: Discofan
Thanks to PHP-Fusion Mods UK Members who test and report bugs and errors.
Some files based on PHP-Fusion Weblinks and submissions files by Nick Jones and PHP-Fusion.